The Power in/of Collections

How powerful are collections and archives? The exhibition “Power in/of Collections” delves into this inquiry, involving scholars from the Technical University, Humboldt University, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, and the Pitt Rivers Museum/ University of Oxford.

Exhibition at the Berlin Science Week, Holzmarktstraße 25 10243 Berlin, Opening 1 November 6-8 pm, 1 - 10 November open daily 3-7 pm, World Café 5 November 12-3 pm

Collections and archives are places, that (re)produce worldviews and influence society. They can emanate from hegemonic viewpoints and perspectives, or conversely, focus on marginalized artistic expressions or stories of resistance. Building upon the long history of conflicts concerning the politics of collecting, the exhibition in the tiny galleries at Forum Holzmarkt in Berlin scrutinizes the dynamic between museums, academic science, and additional forms of knowledge production such as artistic or activist endeavors. It delves into the subject matter through three chapters.

In the section “Power of Archives,” the focus is on collections of material created by social movements and marginalized groups. Here, the emphasis is on the archive as a space of resistance, where histories are nurtured, documented, and remembered, giving rise to alternative narratives distinct from those found in larger museums. These institutions are addressed in the second section under the title the “Power of Collections”. How to deal with art collections that are built upon and reproduce social inequalities? What power structures can be identified within the artworks, catalogs, and museum databases? Can they be interpreted as archives of injustice? At the core of the third section, titled “Critical Art Practice,” are artists’ power-critical perspectives on institutions. This concerns the potential of artistic works to create counter-narratives and induce shifts in perspective.

Exhibition at the Berlin Science Week, Holzmarktstraße 25 10243 Berlin, Opening 1 November 6-8 pm, 1 - 10 November open daily 3-7 pm.

There will also be an interactive event with talks, discussions and
performances on November 5th
, 12pm - 3 pm at the same venue.