Publication: Images of the

Publication about the construction of foreignness and otherness in art, Technische Universität Berlin, 2024

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This booklet documents a seminar held at the TU Berlin in the summer semester of 2022. The seminar examined how art was used to negotiate and construct images of the world and ideas of foreignness and otherness. Throughout various Berlin museum collections and in reference to other places, such as the Berlin Zoo, we examined this question by first and foremost looking at paintings.

Previously published as an interactive website: Images of the World

Das Seminar im Sommersemester 2022 wurde geleitet von Freya Schwachenwald und Lukas Fuchsgruber. Die Umsetzung als Webseite und Heft erfolgte durch Meryem Coşkun und Julia Reidy (studentische Mitarbeiterinnen im Projekt Museums and Society), unter Verwendung der Referate und Gruppenarbeiten im Seminar.

The booklet can be downloaded as a pdf here: Images of the World (PDF)