Tagesspiegel-Artikel: Die Macht der Sammlungen

An article by Pegah Byroum-Wand, Lukas Fuchsgruber and Malina Lauterbach about the upcoming group exhibition "Power in/of collections" at the Berlin Science Week 2023, Forum Holzmarkt Berlin

How political are collections and archives? And what does critical scholarship on the subject look like? The exhibition "The Power in/of Collections" explores these questions. It is a project of the Technische Universität, the Humboldt Universität, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the Pitt Rivers Museum / University of Oxford.

Read more in our Tagesspiegel article about the exhibition on p. 15-20! You can download the PDF document on the left.

More information about the exhibition from November 1 to November 10, and the interactive event on November 5 can be found on our website.