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  • Address: Technische Universität, Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und historische Urbanistik, Straße des 17. Juni 150/52, Sekr. A 56, 10623 Berlin

Dr. Pegah Byroum-Wand

is a literary studies scholar and lives in Berlin. She is our Associate for Research and Science Communication and Participation.

Pegah Byroum-Wand is a literary studies scholar and has been working at the Technische Universität Berlin in the project “Museums and Society – Mapping the Social” since 2021. She studied modern literary studies and history at the Universität zu Köln, completing her PhD on the “Unity of Difference: Hybridity, Self-Rejection, and Repositioning in Post-GDR Literature” at the Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

In 2020, she conceptualized the workshop program for the project “Reflections: Colonial Heritage at the Brücke Museum” and worked as an expert in diversity development in the General Secretary of the German Red Cross Berlin. From 2017 to 2019, she worked as a project assistant for migration and diversity within the scope of the Jewish Museum Berlin’s academy program, where she organized the international conference “Ongoing Struggles: Anti-Discrimination Work during the Rise of the Far Right” and was a member of the organizing team for the workshop “Future Memories: Memory Culture(s) of the Migration Society,” editing the workshop's online publications. While working, Pegah Byroum-Wand completed further training on diversity-oriented organizational development at the Regionale Arbeitsstellen für Bildung, Integration und Demokratie e.V. in Berlin.

As our Associate for Research and Science Communication and Participation, she researches formats that are oriented toward anti-discrimination, diversity, the critique of power, and post-migrant perspectives, which she then implements in the project, for example, in the form of our collaboration with a critical Advisory Board.
